I speak to many of my clients who come to me for a learn to fly fishing day and most say that they initially took the fly rod out to the river only to walk back off the stream with utter frustration.

Receiving some quality education to begin your career as a fly fisherman is an absolute must. Four to six hours working through the fundamentals with a competent guide will be an investment that is well worth your time and money.

As we educate our new fly fishers we speak constantly about the rod tip. Wherever the tip is pointing the fly follows. Important in so many ways from your back cast to the front cast. Should this rod tip be out of sync your length and accuracy of your cast will be hampered.

You need energy with your cast along with rhythm. Working alone on this is next to impossible. Your fly fishing guide will be able to work with you on creating a solid cast with some length which will then enable you to move to the river with confidence. For myself, educating a customer on the basics of the cast is the easiest part of this great sport. There is much to know and learn once you master the cast but trying it alone can be a tough venture.

To recap. Take a fly fishing lesson and educate yourself with a competent fly fishing guide here in Ontario.
